Treat Yourself to a Massage this Spring!

massLooking for a way to relax, unwind, and take some time for yourself? Getting a massage may be one of the first options that pops into your mind. Not much compares to being in a dimly lit room, listening to tranquil music, and having someone massage away all of your aches, pains, and stress. But, aside from being an extremely relaxing experience, did you know that getting a massage also provides various health benefits?

One type of massage available is called the Thai massage, and this form is known for being the most energizing and relaxing type of massage that an individual can receive. It is based around balancing life forces so that the body can function properly. Most significantly, Thai massage has also been credited with providing numerous health benefits for the individuals who receive one on a regular basis. Thai massage can help to relieve headaches and migraines, clear toxins, combat fatigue, calm nerves, and lower stress levels. Additionally, it also has the ability to reduce muscle pains and spasms, increase energy levels, improve mobility, and increase blood circulation.

Another popular type of treatment is the deep tissue massage, especially among athletes and individuals who exercise routinely. For muscles that have become stressed and are prohibiting the flow of oxygen and nutrients through the body, a deep tissue massage can be extremely beneficial as it breaks up the scar tissue that has developed, loosens the muscles, and helps improve mobility.

Who knew that a 1-2 hour massage could provide so many different benefits?!

If you are suffering from any type of ailment or discomfort, getting a massage is a treatment option that should be on your radar. Of course, you always want to make sure you are receiving service from a trained professional.

Concerned about the cost? No problem. From May 1-13, you can get a massage from one of the students of NC Massage School for just $37. At that price, you have no excuse not to treat your mind and body to a little relaxation and treatment. Plus, there are student clinical dates offered at several different points throughout the year, so you will have more than one opportunity to take advantage of this special price.

Kristy Serdinsky, Owner, and Director of Education at NC Massage School. With a background in teaching and administration in charter and private schools, Kristy’s dedication to helping others led her to open a massage spa in Cornelius in 2015. Now, she brings her expertise in education and the massage and bodywork industry to NC Massage School, blending her two passions to create a transformative learning experience.


We provide personalized training in the art and science of therapeutic massage, focusing on advanced-level professional careers, continuing education, and personal growth. Our philosophy is rooted in a holistic approach, which encourages our students to explore personal development of the mind, body, and spirit.


“What has impressed me the most is the instructor’s teaching style. While it is accepted that certain protocols must be followed, their hands-on approach is informative and encouraging.”

– Kaitlyn Boullosa

Our Location

NC Massage School
20525 North Main Street Cornelius, NC 28031
Phone: (704) 896-2636

Get Directions!