Job Hunting Tips for Massage Therapists

MassageOnce you have received your certificate in massage therapy, the next challenge is to master your interview strategy so that you are able to land the job of your dreams.

The most important preparation step for an interview is to mentally prepare yourself for any question related to your experience with massage therapy. It is also a good idea to develop talking points that will engage a potential interviewer in discussion, such as the goals you have set for yourself or your philosophy on healing the body. You could even address the aspects of massage therapy that you find most challenging.

Before any interview, do as much research as you can about the company. Learn about its history, the types of clients it serves and its mission statement. Make a list of questions to ask your interviewer so that you appear genuinely interested. It is also useful to emphasize how your strengths will help carry out the company’s mission.

A professional appearance is absolutely critical when preparing for an interview. Just because massage therapists do not wear suits and ties while they work does not mean that you can get away with anything less during an interview. You have not been hired yet and the interviewer is going to hire the best person for their business so you want to look like a business professional. Men should come dressed in a suit, tie and dress shoes while women should wear a suit or dress and closed-toe shoes.

For those lucky enough to land a second interview, it is likely the interviewer will mention a more relaxed dress code the second time around, especially if they want to see massage techniques in action. But always come dressed for professional success during your first meeting.

Finessing your massage therapy resume always helps secure interviews with promising employers. One trick is to create an eye-catching objective. Find the words that separate you from other candidates. This sentence is the perfect opportunity to insert any specialty you have or to list additional background qualifications that make you unique.

If you are brand new to the massage therapy world and have no related experience in the industry, it is still possible to make your resume relevant. For instance, if you have work experience in the hospitality industy, add that to your resume. In bullet points under the job, list how it suited you for a career in massage therapy. For instance, you could say that working as a waitress developed your skills in customer service and instilled in you a sense of devotion to making people comfortable and happy.

If you have absolutely no work experience to add to your resume, adding volunteer experience is sometimes just as good. Volunteering at hospitals and rehabilitation facilities or even veteran help centers are great ways to enhance your resume. It will also give you something to speak about during your interview.

Drafting a resume and interviewing for jobs can be stressful but fortunately they are the last steps before embarking on a meaningful career as a massage therapist. Once you get past these last few hurdles, you are there!

Kristy Serdinsky, Owner, and Director of Education at NC Massage School. With a background in teaching and administration in charter and private schools, Kristy’s dedication to helping others led her to open a massage spa in Cornelius in 2015. Now, she brings her expertise in education and the massage and bodywork industry to NC Massage School, blending her two passions to create a transformative learning experience.


We provide personalized training in the art and science of therapeutic massage, focusing on advanced-level professional careers, continuing education, and personal growth. Our philosophy is rooted in a holistic approach, which encourages our students to explore personal development of the mind, body, and spirit.


“What has impressed me the most is the instructor’s teaching style. While it is accepted that certain protocols must be followed, their hands-on approach is informative and encouraging.”

– Kaitlyn Boullosa

Our Location

NC Massage School
20525 North Main Street Cornelius, NC 28031
Phone: (704) 896-2636

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