Most Desired Continued Education Courses for Massage Therapists

CE Classes for Massage Therapists

Are you a massage therapist seeking professional improvement in your craft? If so, continued education is your gateway to a whole new set of skills.

Continued education is a must in today’s ever-competitive job market. As a massage therapist, you can keep your knowledge and skills up to date by taking courses related to your practice.

Which massage courses do you need to take? Look no further than this list we have compiled for you. In this article, we enumerate the top five in-demand courses for continued education that massage therapists need.

If you want to take your skills to the next level, keep reading!

ce courses for massage therapists

#1: Basic Lymphatic Massage

The basic lymphatic massage course is our three-day introductory course to the world of lymphatic massage. It contains all fundamental discussions about lymph node palpation.

Also included in the course are safe effleurage techniques and theoretical discussions on the anatomy and physiology of lymph nodes.

This course may be introductory. Nonetheless, even attending the full-three-day course can give you the tools for effective and therapeutic massage.

Not only does it give you new massage skills, but it also awards 21 continuing education units towards your credentials.

#2: Thai Massage Weekend Immersion

Have you always wanted to take massage courses in Thai massage but lacked the time? If you have, then this course is for you!

We at NC Massage offer the Thai Massage Weekend Immersion course. It is one of our Thai Massage courses for massage therapists. It is a comprehensive course designed to fit everything you need to know into one enjoyable weekend seminar.

Completing the course gives you 15 continuing education hours. You will also come out of it as a massage therapist well-versed in the in-demand art of Thai massage.

massage for stress

#3: Advanced Myofascial Release and Muscle Energy Techniques

From athletes to office workers, everyone desires a massage therapist with a hand for myofascial release. Our Advanced Myofascial Release course is just the course for everyone looking to restore their client’s mobility and comfort.

The course includes everything from postural fascial release to spinal mobilization and manipulation. There will even be a discussion on Qigong techniques and incorporating these on muscular imbalances and knots.

More than a feather in your hat, this course is a must if you work with athletes, law enforcement, or military personnel.

#4: Getting Specific: Hip and Shoulder Girdles

The hips and shoulders are the most mobile joints in the human body, next only to the neck. Unfortunately, their mobility makes them prone to injuries and stiffness.

Be a pro in hip and shoulder girdle therapy with this course. We provide what you need to know about joint mobilization and isolation in our hip and shoulder girdle intensive course. The course will also teach you how to assess a range of motion safely and efficiently.

ce courses massage therapy

#5: Nurturing the Mother: Pregnancy Massage

Expecting and new mothers need massages, too! And our course on pregnancy massage will give you the skills to cater to their massage needs!

Our Pregnancy Massage certification course is one of our most in-demand programs. The course takes three days and consists of a practical and written assessment.

Completing this course gives you 24 continuing education units and a new set of skills to make you a godsend to any intra- or post-partum client.

Did You See a Course You Like? Get in Touch With Us Today!

Our continuing education courses for massage therapists are some of the most highly-coveted in the country. For any of the above courses and more, we are a message or call away. So take your massage therapy skills to the next level with us here at NC Massage School!

Kristy Serdinsky, Owner, and Director of Education at NC Massage School. With a background in teaching and administration in charter and private schools, Kristy’s dedication to helping others led her to open a massage spa in Cornelius in 2015. Now, she brings her expertise in education and the massage and bodywork industry to NC Massage School, blending her two passions to create a transformative learning experience.


We provide personalized training in the art and science of therapeutic massage, focusing on advanced-level professional careers, continuing education, and personal growth. Our philosophy is rooted in a holistic approach, which encourages our students to explore personal development of the mind, body, and spirit.


“What has impressed me the most is the instructor’s teaching style. While it is accepted that certain protocols must be followed, their hands-on approach is informative and encouraging.”

– Kaitlyn Boullosa

Our Location

NC Massage School
20525 North Main Street Cornelius, NC 28031
Phone: (704) 896-2636

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